06 January 2012

Day One

 To start with, we are going to share our thoughts during our process of changing our life.  Karen is going first.

Karen:  Day 1 of our experiment.  We’ve never eaten spaghetti squash before, but thought we’d give it a try. It wasn’t half bad and Gary and I ate everything in our bowls and Cassie even took several bites.  I really feel like the three of us are convinced eating a plant-based diet will be life-changing.  Cassie balked a bit when I served up her bowl, but I told her to imagine how she would look when she lost all her weight and she readily began to eat..

The impetus for this major lifestyle change is a documentary we watched called “Forks Over Knives.”  We’ve watched other documentaries on the sad state of our food supply, but none have affected me so profoundly.  When something rings true, it just can’t be denied.

What do I hope to gain from following the word of wisdom?  You mean besides the promise of health and wisdom and being overlooked by the destroying angel?  Hmmm…I guess if we get down to specifics, I would like to be able to sleep better at night and have energy during the day.  By decreasing my weight and overall body fat, I want to be comfortable working out harder and longer.  I’m wondering if changing my diet will have an effect on my asthma and allergies, for which I take daily medication.  I’d like a clearer mind more capable of retaining things. 

My bigger hopes are for Gary and Cassie.  The positive effects on their disease. 

The plan is not to become vegetarian or (shudder) vegan, but I’m trying to keep an open mind about that.  However, my open mind conjures up a picture of a Birkenstock-wearing, Prius-driving, PETA extremist when I think ‘vegetarian/vegan’. Maybe it’s because I grew up in Ann Arbor, and spent just enough time in Whole Foods to feel the scorn of a vegan as I stood in front of the meat counter.   I hope to change that bias.  I’ve heard Birkenstocks are really comfortable and they even sell them on the Home Shopping Network these days

Cost about $4.50
Spaghetti Squash

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Civility is the order of the day. Discussions around diet and health are what this blog is about. We are people with feelings, just like you and if you want to contribute to a positive experience you are welcome to. This is our opinion, a journey, an experience and we are just trying to chronicle how changing our eating habits is making our lives better.